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Please select the Consulting and Private Organization which supports the Climate Change programs


The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), one of nine U.s. Department of Energy multiprogram national laboratories. At Pacific Northwest, they deliver environmental science and technology to meet key national needs. They also apply capabilities to meet selected energy, health and national security objectives, strengthen the economy, and support the education of future scientists and engineers

Alternative Fuels Center

The Alternative Fuels Center (AFC) was established by Ukraineъs National Academy of Sciences and the former Ministry of Coal. The AFC is а state-owned entity that carries out research, provides training and information, as well as commercial activities dealing with alternative fuels. It is designed to take active roles in promoting legislative improvements, and commercial initiatives. The AFC has already provided input to pending key legislation, and offered CBM training.

PA Government Services Inc.

The PA Government Services Inc. (PA) environment experts provide clients with strategic advice and analysis to support the development and execution of economically sound strategies in complex business, litigation, regulatory and policy matters. PA assists corporations and their representatives in valuing, allocating and managing environmental and other liabilities and managing environmental and related requirements and risks. Their consulting experts provide analysis and expert testimony in matters involving litigation and settlement negotiation, and clear strategies for the economic and technical evaluation and management of environmental and other liabilities, risks and requirements.

Institute of International Education

The Eurasian-america partnership for Ecolinks. Through this program, managed by the Us-based Institute of International Education and the Regional Environment Center for Central and Eastern Europe in Hungary, Ecolinks offers grants to support activities that address priority environmental problems. This is accomplished by linking businesses, local governments, and associations with US organizations or other partners within the Cee/nis region. Grants to carry out one- to two-year partnership activities are competitively awarded on а costsharing basis. Small grants are also available on an as-needed basis to meet immediate short-term needs


Ukrainian Energy Saving Company (UKRESCO) is а company established to implement energy saving investment projects in Ukraine. UKRESCO implements projects that are funded by the proceeds of а loan made available by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with the support of the European Commission (EC), through its TACIS program. The implementation of energy saving projects at Ukrainian entities shall contribute to reducing energy consumption at the enterprises of Ukraine. In the CIS, UKRESCO is the first energy saving service company that performs combined financing and turn-key energy saving contracts.


Agency for Rational Energy Use and Ecology (ARENA-ECO) is non-governmental, not-profit organization founded to promote energy efficiency and environmental protection in Ukraine. ARENA-ECO was established in 1994 through partnership between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Battelle - Pacific Northwest National Laboratories and the World Wildlife Fund, and with support of US Agency for International Development and Department of Energy


Indaco Air Quality Services, Inc specializes in air quality field measurements and modeling. Their expertise covers the areas of: 1) Leak Detection and Measurement ; 2) Atmospheric Tracer Technology; 3 )Ambient Trace Gas Sampling and Analysis


Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is а multiprogram science and technology laboratory managed for the U.s. Department of Energy by Ut-battelle, LLC . Scientists and engineers at ORNL conduct basic and applied research and development to create scientific knowledge and technological solutions that strengthen the nationъs leadership in key areas of science; increase the availability of clean, abundant energy; restore and protect the environment; and contribute to national security