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The First National Communication on Climate Change



Climate change may be the most critical and complex environmental issue facing humanity in the last century. There are many uncertainties about the effects of increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHG) on temperatures; on the effects of temperature increases on other aspects of climate; and the causal effects on crops, rangelands, forests, and other parts of natural environment. But it is clear that global warming entails risk, risk not only that the kind of changes described above will take place but of other unexpected things. Small forcing can bring about changes in wind and ocean currents that greatly alter existing conditions. Strange and unforeseen effects can and probably will occur. With the carrying capacity of many parts of the world under stress from present level of population and economic activity, and the prospect of continuing and large increases in both in the decades immediately ahead, it might not take much more change to bring about the gravest consequences for people and most of Earthъs present life systems.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN FCCC) is the first and major international legal instrument to address climate change issues at а global scale. In June 1992 the representatives of 176 countries met at the highest level in Rio-de-janeiro at the UN Conference to search for ways of joint activity for environmental protection. Signature of the UN FCCC by around 150 countries indicated that climate change is potentially а major threat to the worldъs ecology and economic development. 167 countries have ratified the Convention by September 1997.

The ultimate objective of the Convention is "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at а level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system".

Ukraine signed the Convention in June 1992, the Parliament ratified it in October 1996 and became the Party in August 1997.

Ukraine is included in Annex 1 of the Convention. All of Annex 1 Parties are obliged to present the First National Communication composed of an inventory and projections of GHG emissions, national policies and measure to mitigate climate change, adaptation strategies within а six month period after it entering into force.

In compliance with Article 4.2b Ukraine has adopted 1990 as а base year for the estimating of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.

Article 4.6 of the Convention gives countries with economies in transition to market economies "а certain degree of flexibility" to meet their commitments in the frames of the FCCC. Due to the deep uncertainties related to transition period, futility of "business-as-usual" scenario development, there is а lack of sufficient quantitative information about some of mitigation and adaptation measures, and future projections in Ukraine.

This document is the First National Communication, by which Ukraine is complying with the obligation to communicate information to the Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for а UN FCCC, according to Article 4.2 and Article 12 of the Convention.

The elaboration of Ukrainian First National Communication was supervised by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety of Ukraine, relevant ministries, agencies and organizations taking an active part. The document was prepared by Agency for Rational Energy Use and Ecology.
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