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Illichivsk district of Mariupol District Heating System Modernization


Municipal District Heating System

Proponent/project Owner

Termos-energoservis, privately owned company providing management and technical advice to the Sponsors
Project owner: Municipal services "Mariupolkomunenergo"


Illichivsk district has 11 boiler plants, most of which have exceeded their service life and are now obsolete and depreciated. Up to 40% of heat is lost in the process of transfer. The deterioration of the system often causes ruptures of the pipelines, particularly in the autumn and winter time. The equipment of the boiler plants needs to be replaced and modernized. Heat consumption metering is absent.

Project Goal and Ghgs Targeted

Energy efficiency, optimization of operations to reduce energy losses, heat use monitoring, energy management, cash collection control, estimated emission reduction over the project lifetime is 3,456,460 t CO2 eq.

Technical Summary

The project envisages installing high temperature boilers, modernizing heat and water distribution systems, installing heat and water meters, establishing heat consumption control and а district-level energy management. The project lifetime is 20 years. Implementing the project will help reduce annual expenses for the maintenance of the heat network by UAH 25,767, and cut water consumption by 1,5 million m3. The use of energy efficient equipment will reduce natural gas consumption by 41,109,500 m3, which will reduce of emissions of Ghgs by 76,000 of CO2 tons equivalent annually. No expansion of production is envisaged.

Estimated Cost

According to а preliminary estimate, $2,500,000 will be needed to implement the project.

Status and financing

Project concept under discussion. Next steps: Conclude an agreement with local authorities; pre-feasibility study; negotiate with potential sponsors and investors. Capital investment repayment through an established monitoring of heat consumption costs, payment transfer to the Esco’s account.

Contact Information

Interested parties should contact the CCI Center, or:
Mr. Victor V. Deineko, director of Termos-energoservis at
2 Bakhtinvadzhy Str.
Mariupol 87543, Ukraine
tel (380629) 31-72-04, e-mail: termos@interphone.net.ua or
Mr. Vitaly S. Vovchenko, director of Mariupolkomunenergo at
tel. (380629) 34-8552, 34-56-01, fax. (380629) 34-85-40