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Canada-ukraine Climate Change Program

I. Components and Planned Activities
Main activities characteristics are provided below. Details of the process, including developing and implementing specific work packages according to planned activities and expected result, will be further negotiated. Cooperation-developing recommendations formulating Program project concepts and concrete work packages aimed at their implementation will be covered in а special paper "Program Development Strategy". The same paper stipulates developing and approving work packages implementation schedules.

1. Developing National Ukrainian Climate Change Strategy
   Conducting meetings - workshops of Joint Ukraine-canada Program Management Committee; working out cooperation development strategy within the Program framework; holding the Final Conference and having the results of Program and specific projects published.
   Establishing links between national organizations and institutions in Ukraine and Canada involved in climate change activities.
   Providing for ongoing information exchange with respect to major responses to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol.    Developing recommendations on efficient policies for greenhouse gas emissions reductions and adequate economy sectors adaptation to climate change, including putting in place appropriate legal framework.

2. Developing Climate Change Management Structure
   Facilitating administrative structure in Ukraine for climate change efficient management, in particular, providing technical and information support to Specialized Scientific Ancillary Agency under MEPNS.
   Providing for ongoing information and documentation exchange on methodologies for measuring anthropogeneous greenhouse gas emissions, for determining baseline levels, for ensuring that monitoring and measuring procedures meet international standards.
   Preparing proposals on improving climate system observation, studying and forecasting climate behavior and its special features and consequences by regions.

3. Joint Implementation Projects Policy Development
   Identifying sectors and individual enterprises in Ukrainian industry that could be of special interest to Canadian companies interested in developing and implementing joint implementation projects
   Exchanging information on joint implementation projects criteria, results indicators and joint actions procedures.
   Identifying and promoting joint implementation projects aimed at mitigating GHG emissions.
   Facilitating private sector investment in joint implementation projects.
   Supporting information exchange on public and private sector organizations and companies interested in implementing environmental projects in Ukraine and Canada.

II. Program Management
A. Bilateral Links
    Ukrainian and Canadian Management Subcommittees will meet once in а half year (in Ottawa and Kyiv in turn) during the whole life of the Program to review the progress achieved. Each second meeting will be attended by CIDA representative and MEPNS higher executive officers -signatories to the Memorandum. This will enhance the Program status both in Ukraine and in Canada.
B. Functional Relations
   a)CIDA-IPAC (institute of Public Administration of CANADA
   b)IPAC (through IDRC office in Kyiv) - Ukrainian Management Subcommittee - International Dnipro Fund.