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The Climate Change Initiative Center is an information center on the issues of climate change. Conducting training seminars, practical workshops and conferences is among the highest priorities of the Centerъs activities.
CCI has been operating in Ukraine for nearly а year. Over this time it has held а number of seminars. Here is а brief discription of training sessions already given in Ukraine, their main objectives, presenterъs notes and presentations.
Climate Change Initiative Center is planning to expand its training activities and are encouraging governmental officials, Ngos representatives and public activists to participate in our upcoming training seminars.
If you are interested to conduct the courses listed below, please contact us:
Climate Change
Initiative Center
24/7, Instytutska Str., Suite 4. Kyiv, 01021, Ukraine
Tel. (38 044) 253-07-08, 253-76-63, 253-51-77
Fax: (38 044) 253-50-68
E-mail: office@climate.org.ua
Training Center for Energy Management
115, Borshchagovskaya str., 22
buiding "KPI", 3rd floor, office 310
252056 Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: (38044) 241-77-14
Fax: (38044) 241-70-38
E-mail: tcem@tcem.ntu-kpi.kiev.ua,
Module 1: Basics of Climate Change (1.1 Mb)
Module One, The Basics of Climate Change, is designed to provide the foundation for this process, by focusing on: the physical processes involved, the potential impacts, the international policy arena, the methodologies and financial mechanisms available to help countries respond to the problem, and the ways in which countries can translate concern about climate change into national action.
Module 2: Economics of Climate Change (7.6 Mb)
Module Two, Economics of Climate Change, is designed to provide an overview of the issues inherent to the assessment of macroeconomic impacts of climate change policies and strategies The course agenda focuses on а review of employment and other macroeconomic benefits of climate protection strategies, as well as а review of the modeling frameworks and approaches for assessing macroeconomic costs and benefits. Materials for this module were adapted from slide presentation materials adapted from existing climate change-related training packages and new materials.
Module 3: Certifiable Climate Change Transactions (4.4 Mb)
Module Three, Certifiable Climate Change Transactions, is designed to provide an understanding of the three "flexibility mechanisms" included in the Kyoto Protocol, and Ukraineъs potential role in participating in such transactions. As such, it addresses the underlying economic foundation for such transactions; experience gained in employing such mechanisms for other pollutants; regulatory factors, market structure and design and implementation concerns; and the specific concerns associated with CC transactions.
Module 4: GHG Emissions Inventory in Energy sector (1.1 Mb)
Module 4 presents the methodology to calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including those of carbon dioxide (СО2), methane (СН4), nitrous oxide (N2O), which occur from the energy sector. Fossil fuel and biomass combustion and the oil and gas sector are viewed as major emission sources.
Module 5: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment (2.4 Mb)
Module Five, Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment, is designed to provide an understanding of the methods and tools for assessing greenhouse gas reduction strategies within the context of countries with economies in transition.
The training will provide an overview of monitoring, evaluating, reporting, verifying, and certifying (MERVC) guidelines that are needed for projects claiming to achieve greenhouse emission reductions from investments in energy supply projects. The course agenda focuses on how to go about setting up appropriate protocols needed to enhance the credibility of projects with stakeholders.
Several topics and issues are addressed in the training, These include: а) the need to establish credible baselines; b) accounting for impacts outside project boundaries through leakage; c) net greenhouse gas emission reductions and other impacts; d) precision of measurement, e) MERVC frequency; f) persistence (sustainability) of savings and emissions reduction, g) reporting by multiple project participants, h) verification of greenhouse gas emission reduction units (Erus), и) uncertainty and risk, j) institutional capacity in conducting MERVC, and к) costs.
Module 7: Project-level GHG Baseline Determinations for Energy Supply Facilities (3.3 Mb)
This training module has been designed to help participants work through the various concepts associated with the development of project-level GHG baselines associated with investments in energy supply facilities in Ukraine. It is а new training course, developed specifically under the Climate Change Initiativeъs (CCI) near-term training program and represents the seventh in а series of eight training modules that focus on building awareness among а wide group of stakeholders on climate change issues.
Module 8: Project Preparation and Financing (4.0 Mb)
Module Eight, Project Preparation and Financing, is designed
to provide an overview of the format and common information requirements
that project proponents need to use when presenting climate change-related
project proposals to potential investors. The course agenda focuses on
discussion of the elements required to document that а project concept
is viable, contributes significantly to sustainable development, and is
worthy of investment. Materials for this module were developed specifically
for Ukraine from both new and existing materials.
Module 9: Carbon Sequestration by Forestry and Agriculture (5.7 Mb)
Module Nine, Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture and Forestry,
is designed to build on the previous modules, and provide participants
with а broadened understanding of the potential role for sequestration
projects and activities in the agricultural and forest sectors. The module
focuses on: the physical processes involved in agriculture and forest
carbon dynamics, methods of planning projects and calculating potential
carbon sequestration impacts, consideration of associated environmental
issues that have arisen in the international policy arena, and some of
the financial mechanisms that may become available to help Ukraine with
these activities.